May 23, 2024, 12:53 ös


Siteniz Guncelleniyor... 2020

Natural Methods for Dark Points

Başlatan Asi-Rapci, Nis 05, 2018, 01:40 ös

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Natural methods for
black spots If you want to get rid of your black spots, use an apple circus, a miracle potion.

Boil thoroughly after adding three tablespoons apple juice into half-glass of water.

After you have cracked the fire, cover your head with a veil and hold your face in steam to make a steam bath. In this way, apply a steam bath for 15-20 minutes.

After this practice, wipe your face with half of the apple juice diluted with water.

Repeat this practice twice a week. When you do this regularly, you will notice that your black spots are gone and your skin is glowing more.

Other suggestions to get rid of black spots:
1) Put a pinch of rotisserie, a pinch of discrete, into a bowl, then add five cups of water to boil. Then rest one night.

Drive this water over your black spots.
2) Put a pinch of mint, a pinch of wild oregano, a pinch of lime in a bowl and boil it with enough water. When it is cold, crawl onto your black spots.

3) After crushing one very mature tomato, sieve it using a thin cheesecloth.

Mix by adding a sweet spoon glycerin and two drops of acylbent tincture. then fill in a bottle. From this mixture, crawl on your black spots in abundant quantities.


Natural Peeling for Black Points

An easy peeling recipe that you can prepare for your black spots , especially on your nose, using the ingredients available at your home.

a soup spoon yogurt,
a lemon rind,
a meal spoon corn flour.

1 cup soup spoon kneaded into a lemon crust and a spoon of corn flour added after mixing well then massage and then rub your face. Wait 15 minutes in your face for effect.