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Siteniz Guncelleniyor... 2020

Beauty Becomes Accurate Nutrition

Başlatan Leila, Nis 05, 2018, 11:52 öö

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Nutritionists say that conscious nutrition enhances the body's resistance, emphasizes that natural foods should be preferred, and it is important to nourish for beauty.

For your breasts; Twice a day for pineapple juice. As the pineapple nerves the tissues, your breasts will become tense.

For your fingernails; Eat yogurt every day for your nails to get enough protein. If your fingernails are broken quickly, it will be good against breaking because it contains biotin in peanuts and walnuts.

For proper skin; If you want to have smooth skin, eat sunflower or pumpkin seed every day. Zinc deficiency in the skin causes the skin to become deeper and more easily crumpled and destroyed. For soft skin, food containing vitamins A is the most ideal.

For your teeth; Because of the calcium that contains 150 grams of lean white cheeses per day, the teeth are strengthened and whitened.

For your hair; If you want your hair to be strong and strong, you should eat at least 4 eggs per week. When foods containing plenty of protein are taken regularly, it causes the hair to bloom .

For Eyes; Eat carrots cooked with vegetable oil three times a week. Vitamin A and E vitamins in carrots strengthen the eyes and brighten the eyes. Dandruff, rye breads protect the eyes from disease microbes because of the selenium element they contain.