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Siteniz Guncelleniyor... 2020

Home Body Care in Winter Season

Başlatan Leila, Nis 05, 2018, 11:50 öö

« önceki - sonraki »


Pouch and Massage: The pouch provides dead skin, relieves pores, so you can have a firmer and more vibrant body. Fibers, sea sponges, friction gloves, body brushes are suitable materials for this operation. In the same way, massage relaxes the skin and accelerates the flow of oxygen. You can take advantage of rose oil in your massages.

Herbal Support: For the tough winter conditions, we have to look good from top to bottom and protect against the bad effects of extreme colds. With rich herbal extracts , you can bring health and vitality to the skin . For example, you can fill the leaves with lavender flowers and dry mint leaves or oats, and rub your body. Sea salt is also an important material. Whether you want to massage directly to your body or not, put it in the sack, and defeat your cracking, cracking skin in the winter.

Correct Nutrition: Nutrition is an important factor, body care is not enough to make from the outside only, it is absolutely necessary to support internally. First, we should pay attention to eating 3 meals a day, we should consume a small amount of fat and carbohydrates. We eat plenty of protein and vegetables and drink 1.5 liters of water every day. Regular physical exercise besides nourishment will make us both more upbeat and put our body into form.

Suitable cosmetics: We use bath foam, shampoo and soap products that do not dry the skin and we need to moisturize the body with moisturizing creams after bath.

Sun protection: We should know that UV rays are damaging to the skin even in the winter months, and even more effective, and we must use sun protection products these days as it is in the summer months.

Using appropriate clothes: besides these, maybe a lot of our minds do not come to mind, but for the health of our bodies, the clothes we chose in winter are also important. We must know that the strong winds of winter are the effect of skin irritation and drying, we must use clothing that can protect the skin from external factors such as gloves, scarves, berets. Our winter clothes should not be a feature that does not provide air flow and disrupts skin moisture.