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Siteniz Guncelleniyor... 2020

Hand Rejuvenation Practices

Başlatan Leila, Nis 05, 2018, 11:25 öö

« önceki - sonraki »


The areas where we are the most intense and fastest in our bodies are ours and our hands. Most cosmetic practices are focused on rejuvenating the face area. Hands are always neglected. However, the hand is an open body to hundreds of external factors, and the signs of aging in hands are very early.

Over time, our hands are stretched and lose their skin appearance, bone structure and veins become more visible. With the influence of the sun years, wrinkles are formed, along with stains, dryness on the surface of the skin.

Hand rejuvenation treatment
Firstly take the keratin layer on the hand, the more skin health peeling is applied for and shiny look.
Then the stains on the hand are removed.

Laser is applied for this. We can get rid of the stains that show us the elderly in our hands between one and three sessions with laser. A number of injections are made for the moisture-free, lifeless appearance of the skin.
Pure hyaluronic acid is applied to a dried and untaminated hand. Hyaluronic acid is repeated four times a week for two weeks.


Growth factor rich serum (PRP) is applied to stimulate and strengthen the skin. If it is done three times in three weeks, good results are obtained. Repeating twice a year will give us a very good result. We also inject a material consisting of hyaluronic acid + amino acids, vitamins and minerals, which we called "light fill", which we applied in the past, to deepen the vitality and renewal. We destroy the stains on our hands with the laser. We can also get rid of the fractional laser (fraxel) from the wrinkles and the hemorrhoids when the back is relaxed.

Filling the handle is necessary to eliminate the vascular and bony prominence. This can be done in two ways; either using concentrated hyaluronic acid, or fat tissue. Both give good results. This application can be used up to two years, and can be used longer after the second application. Let's take care of our hands ...