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Siteniz Guncelleniyor... 2020

Causes and Treatment

Başlatan Leila, Nis 05, 2018, 11:13 öö

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During the period of Regl muscle pain and painless women are rarely found. Doctors in medicine say this is dismenore. According to the researches done today 70-80% of the females apply to painkillers and in most of the routine life can change.

Causes of
menstrual pain Causes of menstruation pain, menstruation during the menstrual period is a contraction. The more severe of the same swelling is felt during childbirth. The contractions are continuous but the menstruation is more severe in menstruation. When the blood flow to the uterus is contracted, the organ does not get the necessary oxygen. As a result, the chemicals that cause pain are secreted. they are secreted and the pain of the uterus increases. Contractions also increase the pain they give. How much pain is more or less positive though. With these contractions, the cells in the wall of the uterus are bleed out and new cells are formed that prepare the environment for baby formation. Along with being important for fertility, pain is a side effect.

It is unlikely that there will be a significant problem in women who have had strong pains since the first menstruation, but they should be checked for reasons of birth. Stress and anxiety can trigger menstrual pain, and menstrual pain can be minimized by controlling it.

Treatment of Numbered Fever, How Does the Fear of Fever Pass?
If the menstrual cycle starts to affect your everyday work and your work life, then simple solutions should be used but if this does not work, you should specifically consult your obstetrician.

The most important of the simple methods you need to practice is exercise. It is a good way to forget the menses of menstruation, such as walking, jogging, swimming, etc. Unconscious painkillers can be used to drink any medication, but you can cut your menstrual pain, but it can harm your body, so it is beneficial to listen to your physician's recommendation.


If you think you are caused by a physical disease, some tests need to be done. Surgical procedures such as ultrasonography and laparoscopy may be needed.

In some uterine diseases without treatment, surgery is also an option. This is mostly done by women who have completed their family life and who have completed the fertility period.