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Siteniz Guncelleniyor... 2020

Pregnancy (Pregnancy) Sexuality

Başlatan Leila, Nis 05, 2018, 10:45 öö

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How should sexual life be in pregnancy?

It is a period in which sexual life with controlled pregnancy can be sustained. It is not right to prohibit sexuality during pregnancy / pregnancy. Of course there are some things to beware of. However, especially in newly married couples, they should not contain extreme restrictions on their sexual lives.

Pregnancy is examined in 3 separate phases. In this period of 3 weeks each, the points to be considered in relation to each other are somewhat different. The first 3 months period is the period in which the baby is placed in the womb and where the organs are nesting. Abortus abortions are the most common in this period. There is a tendency in the mother candidates to link this situation to sexual intercourse. This is partly true, partly not. In the first place, the cause of chromosomal anomalies caused by the abundance of low birth defects is that they are removed from the uterus at this time.

Again, if the intrauterine infections are infected by viruses in particular, the baby is affected by this micropotent, and in large proportions it comes down to the low waterfall.

The effect of the relationship may either occur mechanically, or related to the sperm chemical structure. The mechanical effect is the pressure effect of the penis on the womb and its involvement in the process of contracting during orgasm. However, these effects are not too much and can be overcome by decreasing the frequency of relationships. The other chemical effect is related to the substances in the semen. A substance called prostoglandin, in particular, is a womb-like substance that opens the cervix and becomes the cervix. This is normally an effect that facilitates the passage of sperm to the womb and the tube in a non-pregnant woman. It is very useful for the formation of the gingiva. However, this effect in pregnancy may lead to miscarriages. It can be easily avoided that the emptying from this is not the vagina.

In the second trimester, baby organs are fully formed and are the most comfortable period in terms of relationship. The low risk is reduced. Once a week, the relationship with the vaginal discharge condition can be maintained.


The last three months are the periods when mechanical effects are more prominent. In this period, positions should always be such as to protect the baby from pressure. No pressure should be applied. The safest position is the knee-elbow position. Positions where the woman is supine are more risky.

Again, you need to avoid the excessive force application of your partner. More superficial, more superficial relationship should be preferred. And it must always be vacated during the entire pregnancy.

More than once per week should be avoided and should not be related after 34 weeks of gestation. During this period, the mother's belly has grown too much and is very sensitive to mechanical effects. There is a risk of baby shedding and premature birth. The best thing is to spend this period in patience and to avoid association.

The puerperium period is 6 weeks after birth. It is the period when the uterus recovers after pregnancy and returns to its original size and the female genital organs recover. The puerperium is a process that needs to be avoided. Both the bloody discharge called the leech and the cervical opening of the mouth increases the risk of infection greatly. This leads to serious health problems.