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Siteniz Guncelleniyor... 2020

Cervical Mouth (Cervix) What is Cancer?

Başlatan Leila, Nis 05, 2018, 10:35 öö

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What is cervical cancer?
Cervical cancer (cervix) is the most common cancer in women after breast cancer worldwide. With the sexual liberation movements that began in 1960-70, the cervical cancer, formerly known as the old woman's disease, has now begun to be seen at a young age. The first sexual intercourse is at a very early age and there is a "comfortable" sexual life without the use of birth control pills and no fear of pregnancy and no additional protection.

500,000 new cases are seen every year in the world, and 50% of them result in death. Unfortunately, 80% of these deaths occur in developing countries.

Causes of cervical cancer, what causes cervical cancer?
The scientific worldsees Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), which causes cervical cancer after about 70 years of research. HPV causes cervical cancer as well as genital warts .

What does HPV do?
In order for HPV to cause infection, it is first of all necessary to have some damage to the skin. When cervical related irritation, skin integrity is disturbed, HPV makes changes in cancer cells or warts in cells after reaching the bottom layers of the deep and silent for a certain period, sometimes for years. In males it usually does not give evidence, but only in silent life in the urethra and helps spread the infection. Early diagnosis is possible by taking smear.

What is Smear?
Developed by Papanicolaou for the first time in 1928, a swab from the mouth of the cervix can be removed and changes in the direction of the cervical cancer in the cellular dimension can be detected. It is a simple and painless operation to get a cervical and smear easily accessible to the cervix. The risk of cancer of the cervix is ​​reduced by 50% by screening programs made in the USA and Europe.

When will Smear be taken?
The first sexual intercourse should be done regularly after 3 years. 3 negative (ie no change in the direction of the cancer of the cervix) after smear 2-3 years is enough to repeat. However, annual follow-up should be done for women who use birth control pills.


How to combat HPV?
HPV infection is the most common sexually transmitted disease in the United States. The first sexually transmitted infection is 50% and the lifetime transmission rate is 75% within the next three years. In irritated areas where the integrity of the skin is impaired, make contact with the skin at all times. No consensus has yet been reached on different ways of transmission.

What increases HPV infection risk?
Use of birth control pills: Provides a free sexual life without fear of pregnancy.
5 and above Birth: The cervix is ​​severely damaged at every birth.
Early sexual contact: She has not yet completed her cervical development, especially at a young age.
A large number of sexual partners and / or partners have multiple sexual partners: Condoms are not an effective method of protection against HPV infection.
Unhealthy and irregular nutrition.

How can I be protected from uterine cancer?
Two types of vaccines developed in recent years are now available for use. The vaccines are especially designed for girls who do not have sexual intercourse, but can now be applied up to 55 years of age. HPV vaccines provide genital warts and 90% protection against cervical cancer. However, it is stillnecessary to continue theannual smear test scans. Vaccination of girls aged 9-10 years is highly recommended. Cancer of the cervix can be prevented. Please do not neglect your regular checks! ..