May 28, 2024, 03:19 ös


Siteniz Guncelleniyor... 2020

Appetite Cutting Paths

Başlatan Leila, Nis 05, 2018, 10:01 öö

« önceki - sonraki »


Appetite ways:

1- Meals at lunch time (do not stay hungry for more than 5 hours)
2- Slow meals
3- Drink plenty of water
4- Do heavy, long-lasting physical activities such as walking, cycling, light running
5- Eat whole wheat bread
6- Drink Mate tea
7- Take a diaphragm breath (take a breath from the nose and see if your belly is swollen, breathe in your mouth)
8. Eat less foods with high glycemic index (white bread, bananas, potatoes, white rice, sweetened foods, flour products (white flour), sugary drinks, cake, cake, cookies, popcorn, chocolate, honey, jam, marmalade)
9- To consume low nutrients with low glycemic index (Whole wheat bread, milk and dairy products, fruit (peanuts), kurubaklagiller (kurufasulye), chickpeas, lentils)
10- Stay away from the struteness and try not to get angry
11- Breakfast until 9 to finish
12 - To love oneself and body
13 - To chew lots of food
14 - To sleep a little
15 - While eating, take care of food, not other things.
16- Leaving the table after the well-being
17- Chatting with friends and saving in social activities
18- Do not think about appetizing foods, do not talk about