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Siteniz Guncelleniyor... 2020

How is Detox, Detox applied?

Başlatan Leila, Nis 05, 2018, 09:53 öö

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What is detox?
Detoxis very important for healthy life . Detox means purifying the body from toxins. Toxin is the general name of substances that have unwanted, harmful effects on the body and which adversely affect health. They are both produced in the body and taken from the outside.

Toxins; from our cats, from the air we breathe, and from physical contact. At the same time, free radicals arise during the energy conversion of the foods we receive in our bodies. The fact that they can not be removed from the body increases the risk of many health problems. They play an important role in diseases such as cancer, heart diseases, premature aging, fatigue, fatigue. Detoxification of toxins is called detoxification .

How should detox be applied?
Detox should be applied for at least 3, at most 10 days. Strengthening the immune system and getting rid of toxins should be the main purpose of detox. Accepting natural nutrition style, using fruits and vegetables at main meals, consuming unprocessed whole grain bread, dry legumes and oil seeds, drinking fresh fruit and vegetable juices at snack meals, meeting daily protein needs with yoghurt and fish, drinking plenty of water and herbal teas (unsweetened) , avoiding ready-made food and alcohol is the easiest detox method.

It is enough to apply the detox program twice a year. Generally, seasonal transitions can be applied to stimulate the body to awaken the body. Autumn and spring are the best time to detox.

Who can detox? Persons who do
not consume 4-5 servings of fruit and vegetables a day, those who consume excessive caffeine or alcohol, an inactive life sirens,those who complain of gas, bloating and constipation , those who do not drink enough water, those who are fed with unbalanced and solid foods may detox.

• Pregnant and lactating women,
• High blood pressure,
• Diabetes,
• Organ failure,
• Cardiovascular disease and children's detoxification may be objectionable.

What a detox!
During the application, a temporary thinning is observed with the reduction of complaints such as the elimination of toxins from the body, elimination of abscesses, edema and bloating. Drinking only vegetables and fruit juices, consuming too much herbal tea and excessive water, consuming solid nutrients and animal-derived foods for a long time result in impaired health in order to be healthy.

For a long time in the name of 'cleaning the intestines', causing an inflammation of the intestinal flora and bacterial density, causing digestive problems.

Do not forget! Listening and taking care of our body , consuming the daily food items (carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals) is the most effective way to protect the health.