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Siteniz Guncelleniyor... 2020

Do not be tired after the meal!

Başlatan Leila, Nis 05, 2018, 09:50 öö

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The most difficult hour of the day for employees is after lunch. Because it is very difficult to resist sleep, which is suppressed after lunches eaten with a big appetite. Yield falls, thoughts are scattered, all that is required is 'to sleep a little'.

If you live this often, then there is something wrong with your food. This is a situation that should not happen.

After the meal Why do we feel fatigue, sleepless income?
It is possible to explain this simply:

After eating a meal, a sudden rise in blood sugar occurs.
The rising blood sugar is perceived as a threat to the body and our hormones want to stop this rise.
For this, insulin enters the circuit.
Insulin starts to be secreted in proportion to the amount of sugar in the blood.
That is, suddenly, after the blood sugar increase, normal insulin is secreted.
An excess of insulin secreted in an arose causes a sudden decrease in blood sugar.
If blood sugar suddenly drops, it causes fading and sleeping.

As you see. The fatigue and fatigue after the meal is actually a result of an imbalance in your body.

How to Avoid Fatigue and Sleep After a meal?
Do not be too hungry to sit on the dining table:
you mean being very hungry means eating your meal will increase your blood sugar very quickly.

Do not eat fast food: eating fast food
like being hungry will cause a sudden rise in your blood sugar.

Snacks are important again:
Snacks between meals will keep your blood sugar at a certain amount, so sugar swellings will be reduced the most after meals.

Stay away from sugary foods at lunchtime:
Because sugary foods are all about to raise blood sugar suddenly.

Absolutely lean protein at your meals.
The consumption of fat-free yoghurt or ayran will slow down sudden increases in blood sugar.

Make sure to include a salad or fruit.
You'll feel better thanks to the vitamin content of salads or fruit.

Avoid oily and fried foods:
Prefer foods cooked in the oven or on the grill.

Choose one of the carbohydrate foods:
You can accelerate the increase in blood sugar by consuming the same amount of soup, rice and bread.