Nis 29, 2024, 08:50 ös


Siteniz Guncelleniyor... 2020

Not enought feeding

Başlatan Leila, Nis 05, 2018, 09:49 öö

« önceki - sonraki »


If any food item or items are taken less than the required level of the body , it is called as inadequate nutrition in order not to get enough energy and to be unable to make body tissues .

Every food item needs a human body. Every food item has a very important task in our body. These items need to be taken in quantities to meet the needs of the body. If the body is not taken to the extent that it will meet the needs, the body develops, grows, renews and works, and disorders occur. This leads directly to illnesses, increases the risk of illnesses and causes the course of treatment to be severe. Malnutrition reduces body resistance and weakens the immune system. This is an invitation to diseases.

Mankind has been experiencing malnutrition since the day it existed. Today, many problems are connected to this problem.

Reasons for undernutrition;
• Eating less for the body's needs
• One-sided nutrition
• Eating less for psychological reasons • Few eating
due to the stresses
• Incorrect information, lack of knowledge, unconsciousness
• Cultural structure, family structure,
• Incorrect eating habits,
• Environmental and health conditions ,
• Inadequate purchasing power,
• problems in the distribution of food items, (lack of access to food)
• Fashion dietary practices,
• Posers (such as being a size zero, that request as some popular people)
• Fast-food diet (energy value is high, other food items of content is low)
Many foods are lost due to errors in the storage and cooking, and although they are consumed in sufficient quantities, many food items are insufficient due to changes in their contents.

Inadequate, Unbalanced and Unhealthy Nutrition Inadequate, unbalanced and unhealthy nutrition
commonly seen in the world; researches in our country shows that there is an important part of society.

Inadequate, unbalanced and unhealthy nutrition are most common;
• in babies,
• in children,
• in young people,
• in women of childbearing age,
• in pregnancies,
• in nursing homes,
• in the elderly,
• in workers

In people who are inadequate, unbalanced and unhealthy,
• There are disruptions in growth, development and work of the body.
• Causes weakness of the immune system. This leads to the formation of diseases easily and quickly.
• Causes severe illness and long treatment duration.
• Reduces physical strength and productivity
•Causesmental retardation.
• It causes the formation of obesity (obesity).
• rough uneven skin and hair, swollen abdomen, tiredness, loss of appetite, reluctance, frequent headache, bending on waist and shoulders.
Adequate, balanced and healthy people who eat the exact opposite situation is observed.

Healthy, dynamic, powerful, efficient, advanced body, shiny hair and skin and so on. Positive beauties every man wants to be in himself. We have to conceptualize the importance of adequate, balanced and healthy nutrition which affects our life so negatively in the absence of it, which makes innumerable positive effects in our existence.