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Siteniz Guncelleniyor... 2020

Balanced Pregnancy Feeding

Başlatan Leila, Nis 05, 2018, 09:47 öö

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Balanced Pregnancy Feeding
Pregnancy is one of the greatest pleasures a woman can experience in her life. It isvery important to develop a lifestyle suitable for new living conditions, so that the mothers are conscious, sensitive and nourished to spendthis special and sensitive period healthy and enjoyable.

A healthy and balanced diet of both mother and baby is gaining increasing importance every month for the health of the baby miraculously developing from a single cell. It is necessary that the protein sources that play a major role in the cell cycle are consumed in a balanced manner, in the right quantities, with good quality nutrients, providing the necessary vitamin mineral supplements, meeting the daily necessities in the direction of need from healthy fat sources and nutritionally rich in glycemic index balanced carbohydrates.

On the other hand, excessive consumption of nutrients to meet the increased energy needs of many mothers during this period can lead to unnecessary weight gain. In this period, it is recommended to add the harmonized type of healthy products. For example, pastries can reduce calories to people, but with the right combination of nutrients, they can be turned into benefits for the mother and the baby. It is also important to control appetite increases that the blood sugar does not increase rapidly, increases the feeling of satiety and nourishes the taste senses. You should pay attention to the following foods and recommendations in your food choices for this.

Oat: In the morning, it consumes in the morning but it is very suitable for the pastries. It provides a feeling of satiety, balances the blood sugar and supports the cleansing of the body. It also reduces the risk of heart disease by protecting the LDL cholesterol against the effects of harmful substances called free radicals. In addition, there are beneficial effects of consuming whole grain products such as oats, especially in women who have high cholesterol problems, high blood pressure, or other cardiovascular disease symptoms in the post-menopausal period. Oats containing calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, manganese, vitamin B5 and folic acid are sources of carbohydrates that should be consumed frequently during pregnancy. Oats are also a good source of selenium at the same time. Selenium is an important antioxidant for the body,

You can add oat soup with your milk or yogurt and add fresh or dried fruit into your oatmeal breakfast meal. You can also add yulaftan soup to your baked pancakes, cakes, cookies, pastries and pastries.

Dandruff: Gaining weight within the ideal reference range during pregnancy is important for mother and baby health. In this period, women tend to consume too much food as their rights, and the tendency of their lives to consume each other double can invite many chronic diseases. For this reason, we advise you to choose healthy wholegrain and wholegrain products in order to make healthy choices and prevent constipation problems that can occur.

Almond: It is a good vegetable protein source rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, folic acid, B vitamins, vitamin E, omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. It can reduce acidity of stomach, it is effective in vascular health by providing antioxidant protection. 6 months of study results. According to the diet, it is reported that those who consumed almonds lose 62% more weight than those who do not consume and 56% higher fat loss in fat loss. This tasty and useful food should be added to your diet but you should consume it in reasonable portions with high calorie because it is oil seed.

Walnut:Yet another healthy oil seed is walnut. It can also play a role in accelerating metabolism with a nutritional content of walnuts which is a good source of protein containing calcium, magnesium, zinc, potassium, folic acid, vitamins C and E, omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. In cell division, folic acid, which plays an important role in genetic building up, is a necessary element for the development of the baby's central nervous system. Because of the increased risk of birth defects in inadequacy, it is necessary to feed on folic acid every day. Walnuts should also be consumed in reasonable quantities as a good source of folic acid. Antioxidant content is important for cardiovascular and heart health. Other important elements in terms of brain development; zinc, iron and calcium rich in walnut snacks, cereal breakfasts, pastries,

Dried apricot: It is a food that it is recommended that apricots from rich sources of potassium be consumed regularly as dry in the fresh winter. Feeder helps digestive problems; stress, anti-irritant properties are useful in promoting metabolism on apricot fat burning. . On the other hand, it has been found that fibrous foods provide a balanced increase in blood sugar, and they are useful in providing a feeling of satiety because they reduce the duration of harmful substances in the intestine.

The apricots are sulfur-dried when they are fresh to open their colors. However, since organic solvents are not allowed to use sulfur as a coloring agent, organic solvents are dried without sulfur, and therefore their color is not yellow but completely natural drying color. During your pregnancy you should always choose organic dried fruits.

Molasses: A non-nutritious meal that brings extra calorie burdens to a person is one of the foods that should be avoided during pregnancy. It is recommended that people prefer their sweet needs in more natural ways, preferring dairy desserts prepared with fruit, dried fruit or honey / molasses. Especially grape molasses is important in pregnancy and mulberry molasses is important in the healthy development of grape molasses, which are found in different varieties such as grapes, mulberry, carob and insects. It is recommended to use it as a natural sweetener because it has a very intense nutrition with vitamins and minerals in molasses content.

Grape molasses, which can cope with most of the daily calcium, iron, potassium and magnesium requirements, is a food that is recommended to be in the diet of pregnant and lactating women because of the high absorption rates. On the other hand, being a good source of chrome is also a unique feature unique to pekmez. This is useful in stabilizing the blood sugar in the blood, which is very useful for the pregnancy period.

Since the protein is important in the construction of new cells, it is a must for your pregnancy.

Proteins, which are important for the defense system as well as for tissue development, should meet most of the basic energy needs. For this, absolutely milk and dairy products, meat, chicken, fish, eggs, kurubaklagil sources must be taken every day in necessary amounts.

Check your total fat intake, reduce saturated fats, increase your Omega 3 consumption.

Fat has important functions in the body with many functional features. But especially in pregnancy, which is one of the special stages of life, it is of even greater importance, provided that it is the ideal choice of control quantities. Foods of animal origin should stay away from the saturated oils found in plenty of ready-to-eat foods, you should buy more omega-3s. For this, you should pay attention to food hygiene and emphasize both herbal and animal resources. Omega-3-enriched or omega-3 fatty acids in omega 3 fatty fish (sardines, herring, salmon, tuna, mackerel), walnuts, almonds, soybean sprouts, dried tofu, soybean, chickpea, flaxseed, There are also omega-6 stabilized products. However, be careful in the selection of fish in pregnancy, the risk of mercury in the dogfish,

Try to consume 5-9 servings of vegetable fruit a day.

Antioxidants in vegetables (A, C, E vitamins and minerals like selenium, oligosaccharides, some substances like alcohol and phenols) strengthen the defense mechanism of the body against diseases. In addition, the vegetables help the bowel activities with the pulp that they contain, preventing constipation and allowing us to stay full for a long time. For this reason, as for every adult individual, mothers of candidates should also take part in a group of vegetables or fruit every other day. Especially folic acid source green leafy vegetables should be preferred. The most important rule for pregnancy here is to provide diversity and prefer what is in season.