Nis 23, 2024, 11:59 ös


Siteniz Guncelleniyor... 2020

Into to Spring Refresh!

Başlatan Leila, Nis 05, 2018, 12:06 ös

« önceki - sonraki »


These days we live at the end of winter, spring and summer more beautiful and to health , ideal for those who want to enter the line of aesthetic surgery will be built. Say hello with a new body renewed body by adding vitality to your body with the vitality that spring gives to nature ...

Experts stated that the selected season for aesthetic operations is important, and explained that aesthetic operations can be done in all seasons, but that the operations carried out in the summer months have significant advantages in terms of health and healing ...

The Ideal Time for Nose Surgery ... The ideal time for
all aesthetic surgery including the nose is winter and spring months. Because after aesthetic surgery in general, your skin will become sensitive to the sun and you will need to protect it from hot and burning sun for 1-1.5 months. It is very important to do these operations in the winter and spring season because of less edema. In addition, nasal operations performed in February and March should be preferred because they will be fully healed in June. Since it will be enough time to pass the traces after the operation, the person will enjoy the summer with fresher and fresher skin.

Attention to the face!
Particularly, those who have to trade in the hundreds will prefer to choose spring and winter months. For example, those who have laser stain treatment and facial rejuvenation procedures should be protected from sunlight for three months. In other aesthetic operations, sunbathing causes permanent sunburn on the skin even after the bruises have passed.