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English Forum => Health Information => Skin Care - Beauty => Konuyu başlatan: Leila - Nis 05, 2018, 11:55 öö

Başlık: To Get Rid Of Acne Fast At Home Without Any Topical Drug Treatments…
Gönderen: Leila - Nis 05, 2018, 11:55 öö
Are your civilians becoming a bigger problem for you? When you say I'm rid of it, are you still on the face of civilians? Experts offer you ways to get rid of your acne ... The fact that you have acne on your face can be genetic, hormonal causes; but stress can also be a huge share.

Whatever the reason, there are  some things you need to do to protect your skin's beauty . If you take into account the recommendation of the count, you will notice a noticeable improvement in your skin.

Keep your hands as far away from your face as possible. Do not play with your civilians; Because squeezing acne leaves deeper traces.

-Don't wash your skin hard. In the morning and evening with your lotion, you will have a better result.

- The makeup materials you use to close your acne will cause more acne by clogging your pores. However, you can use a sealant containing salicylate.

- Detect areas of intense excretion of acne. You may be lying on the same side of your face all the time while you are asleep, or you may be holding your face with your hands at the desk. Give up your habits like this because all of this can affect your skin.

-Use routine care products such as moisturizer, cleanser, tonic for your skin.

-If you can not prevent your skin problems, especially your acne problems despite all your efforts, you should get a dermatologist help.