Sagopa Kajmer

English Forum => Health Information => Skin Care - Beauty => Konuyu başlatan: Leila - Nis 05, 2018, 11:45 öö

Başlık: The Coffee Massage Cellulite Comes Well!
Gönderen: Leila - Nis 05, 2018, 11:45 öö
There are many ways to stay immobile, unbalanced and unhealthy nowadays. There are thousands of ladies with such experience. The common problems of these women are cellulitis. Cellulite, which is one of the problems we have seen the most, is a common problem of women and a clear application for a solution can not be produced. However, the most appropriate application to help you is coffee massage.

According to experts' research, coffee massage is the best massage that has been good for cellulite problems lately. Before this massage, caffeine in the coffee helps in this matter by stimulating the renewal of the cell in the area with the cellulite problem. They say that the skin is renewed again, so it is effective in eliminating the cellulite problem.

What you need for a coffee massage;
- 1 croissant of hand cream,
- 2 tablespoon of filtered coffee
Başlık: Re: The Coffee Massage Cellulite Comes Well!
Gönderen: Leila - Nis 05, 2018, 11:45 öö
About the preparation:
First of all, we take a warm shower and then thoroughly mix the filtered coffee with this hand cream. We are doing massage by applying this mixture to the areas of your problematic body. We wrap up the region or areas where we have cramps, and we wait 15 minutes, ensuring no air. After 15 minutes, we can clean it with warm water. It will show its effects after the construction twice a week.