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Siteniz Guncelleniyor... 2020

Cheap Shopping Healthy Nutrition!

Başlatan Leila, Nis 05, 2018, 10:01 öö

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Do not give up eating healthy even if you are short on kitchen expenses during the crisis period . By choosing the right food, it is possible to eat both delicious and healthy by bringing your shopping cheaply. For example, molasses instead of honey, apples instead of bananas ...

Dietitian Yeşim Çelik from Memorial Hospital Nutrition and Diet Department explained how we can feed healthily by balancing our kitchen expenditures during crisis period ...

Preference for Apple Instead of Bananas Be
sure to be in season when choosing fruits and vegetables that you will buy. Seasonal vegetables and fruits are more nutritious than vegetables and fruits. Prices are also much cheaper. For example, we recommend that you choose orange, mandarin or apple instead of strawberries or cherries in this season. There is not much difference between the nutritional value of the hand and the nutritional value of the banana; 1 equal size apple and 1 small size mousse calories equal. But the price difference is quite high.

Salatada Lettuce and Parsley ... When
preparing your salads, it is beneficial to choose a leafy lettuce. Because there is no difference in terms of nutritional value between leaf lettuce and lettuce, the price of leaf lettuce is cheaper than that of belly lettuce. You can also add parsley to your salads; it is rich in both vitamin C and iron, and does not add any additional burden to your budget. You can also consume plenty of winter fruits such as oranges, mandarins, grapefruits and lemons to meet your daily C vitamins.

One Sweet Spoon Olive Oil Per Capita
As the risk of infection increases in winter, our vitamin and mineral requirements also increase. Winter vegetables and fruits can easily meet this need. Cauliflower, cabbage, celery, Brussels sprouts, spinach, leeks and biceps such as vegetables grown in winter are good antioxidants. It is rich in vitamins A, C and E, strengthens the immune system and protects against cancer. You can eat these vegetables, which are also suitable for their prices, in your uncooked salads as well as the cooker. If you prefer olive oil, remember that adding olive oil to your food will be much healthier. The olive oil you use; each portion of your vegetable dish will be added as a dessert spoon, which will benefit you both in terms of the amount of calories you receive, as well as in economic terms.


dried legumes and milk Alternative protein sources for those who are sick of "We have reduced our meat consumption during the crisis period and are not getting enough nutrition" can replace the meat. Eggs contain good quality protein as well as high iron content and cheaper than meat.

Eggritte Nutritional Value Lupus Same
Red meat can be preferred to chicken and fish, which again have high protein. Especially when consuming fish, it is beneficial to consume appropriate fish for the period. Because these fish are more, the prices are cheaper. For example, the nutritional value of mackerel is almost the same with the lyophilus and the price is more affordable.

Breakfast at Sweet as Molasses
Molasses is more nutritious than honey, and it is a good food source of calcium, iron, raises blood sugar more slowly. It's also cheaper.
Feed cheaply but do not skim milk and dairy products, which are a source of protein. Milk; It is very important for muscles to work.
Also bread; It is the same value as the products like etimek and grisini. But the price is much cheaper.