Haz 15, 2024, 09:50 ös


Siteniz Guncelleniyor... 2020

Tighter and Living Tits in 4 Steps

Başlatan Leila, Nis 05, 2018, 12:16 ös

« önceki - sonraki »


One of the symbols of female beauty is the breasts ... And for many women, the beauty of their breasts is very important. So much so that thousands of women all over the world do not hesitate to sleep under a knife to have more beautiful breasts every year. By practicing our recommendations regularly, you can put your breasts in shape.

1- Hot / cold shower: Take the handgrip of the shower and keep warm water on your chest as cold as you can before, 2 minutes after. Repeat this for about 10 minutes and finish with cold water. The blood circulation in your chest area will be accelerated, which will help stimulate your skin to become more tense.

2- Get help from exercises: If you want your breasts to get into form shortly, you should definitely benefit from the power of your exercises:

- Press both of your opponents as strongly as possible in front of your chest. You only need to do the exercise 15 times a day, 3 times a day.
- Stand in front of a wall. Put your hands on the wall and put all your weight on your hands. Then, stretch your arms out of the wall. Repeat 30 times a day.
- Lie down on your back and take 2 pounds of weight on both hands. Extend your arms up and down in a taut manner. Repeat 15 sets in 3 sets, enough to strengthen your chest muscles.

3- Choosing the right bra: It's no longer a known fact that the breasts of the wrong body bra selection has deformed. You can learn the most accurate body for you with the help of salesmen in big stores.

4- The power of cosmetics: You can also benefit from the power of cosmetics to contribute to the beauty of your breasts. These products, which have skin tightening properties, give good results with other maintenance applications.