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Siteniz Guncelleniyor... 2020

What are Nutrition Facts?

Başlatan Leila, Nis 05, 2018, 09:48 öö

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We can gather the nutritional items people need in six groups: carbohydrates, proteins, oils, minerals, vitamins and water . When one or more of these nutritional items are missing, there are disruptions in body function, growth retardation, and health problems. Taking more nutrients than necessary to raise the body fat mass to the desired level leads to health problems.

The aim of nutrition is to get the nutrition items that are needed according to the age, gender and physical conditions in which they are in an adequate and balanced manner.

Carbohydrates: The
most nutrient found in our foods that provides energy to the body . At a balanced diet, 55-60% of the daily energy is derived from carbohydrates. Instead of pure carbohydrates (sugar, starch) complex carbohydrates (cereals, dry legumes, cereal flours) should be preferred. Posa (fiber) is a useful carbohydrate, although it can not be digested in the human body, but it allows it to be removed from the body by holding some of the harmful substances and oils. Bread and other cereal products must be consumed whole wheat, and fruits and vegetables should be consumed with their shells.

Oils are energy-rich, and some organs (brain, retinal structuring, and fat-soluble vitamins are used in the body), and about 25-30% of the daily energy is fed from the fat.Food, such as meat, milk, yoghurt, cheese, eggs, oils such as olive oil, sunflower oil, corn oil, soy oil, butter, margarine are visible oils.Foods should be cooked with low fat.Use of water should not be consumed as much as possible.Esaturated (liquid oils should be preferred instead of added oils).

The smallest part of the body consists of cells and the structure of enzymes is proteins. Proteins are necessary for the proliferation of cells for growth, and for the proliferation of cells. A large part of all the cells of the body is made of proteins and these cells are constantly changing and renewing. These events, which are continuous, result in a certain amount of protein exiting the final body. In this respect, there is no protein deposit in the sense of the body's energy store. Only a small amount of spare protein that can survive short-term deficiencies can be stored in the body. If enough protein is not removed, cells that are destroyed can not be renewed.

Source proteins for body proteins are those found in foods. Since it is not possible to make protein from carbohydrates or fats, it is necessary to extract the protein from the outside. In a balanced diet, about 10-15% of the daily energy should be composed of proteins.

Dried legumes such as meat, milk, eggs, soy beans, lentils, chickpeas, dry beans are the main foods we take protein.

One of the indispensable substances of body metabolism is minerals and an important food ingredient. Mineral salts and minerals that settle into the cells in the form of dissolved ions in water are the mainstays of heat and nerve conduction.


4-5% of the human body consists of minerals. Nearly half of this is calcium, 1/4 is fosford. These are the building blocks of hard tissues, such as bone and the outside. Sodium, potassium, chlorine, magnesium, iron, copper, iodine, zinc, chromium, selenium are the other minerals that are necessary for the healthy growth of the body and the continuation of life.

Mineral deficiency is not expected to occur in healthy and balanced nutrition.

Vitamins are used to support regulatory and body resistance in metabolic events. B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), niacin, B6, B12, folic acid, biotin, pantothenic acid, to, D, E, F, C vitamins are vitamins important role in the functioning of our metabolism. Milk, dairy products, meat, eggs, flour, oil, fruits and vegetables are taken as nutrients, and at the same time vitamin needs are met.

It is always more convenient to take vitamins from natural routes. Vitamin pills and needles should be used outside of the doctor's advice.

Water is the most important thing that comes after oxygen for human life. An average of 59% of the adult human body is sudden. When half of the human body's carbohydrates and fat-all proteins lose 10% of body water, life becomes dangerous. A 20% reduction in body water results in death.

The water requirement is usually met by three sources: nutrients, beverages and metabolism. Under normal conditions, the water requirement of the body is about 2.5 liters.